
If you are a new user, you need to register before accessing MINT. The registration form asks some of your personal details and a request that you 'll be included in a specific organization's user list. An overview of the form and its fields can be seen in the following picture. All fields marked with a red star are required.

The organization field means that you apply for this organization (or sub-organization only). In order to be able to access the data available for this specific organization, the organization's administrator must first accept your request. More details about organization structure can be found at Organization structure.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Each user may have access to one and only organization.

If you click submit and all information is correct, your account will be created and you'll be forwarded to MINT's main page. Else you will be notified of any registration errors. After successful submission, you will be redirected to the Home page.

If you click reset, any data you might have filled in the form will be deleted, and you can start filling them from scratch.

Register_form.png (31.8 KB) Nikos Simou, 06/25/2011 05:20 PM